18/05/2023, 11:30
Moscow continues its dual policy towards international justice and calls on Eastern countries to create an alternative to the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). It is proposed to create a new system of international justice, which will allow Russia to avoid responsibility for unleashing an aggressive war against Ukraine. The decisions made by the Russian authorities indicate that Moscow will not adhere to the standards of international justice but will continue its "hybrid policy".
The Investigative Committee of Russia proposes to create an alternative to the ICC and ECHR. The head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, suggests that China and India create an alternative court. This higher judicial authority would counterbalance the International Criminal Court and the European Court of Human Rights.
The State Duma has denounced the CFE Treaty. The State Duma voted to denounce the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE). The draft law on the denunciation of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe was submitted by President Putin to the Duma on May 10.
The Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service proposes to extend intellectual piracy to all goods. The Federal Antimonopoly Service believes that the parallel import mechanism in Russia should be extended to all categories of goods. Parallel import is the importation of original goods into the country without the copyright holder's consent. According to the agency, this will prevent copyright holders and distributors from setting monopolistically high prices.
The FSB plans to conduct searches without a court order. "Inspection of premises, buildings, structures, land plots, and vehicles" without court warrants will be possible in cases that "cannot be postponed." If such an amendment is adopted, FSB officers will receive the exclusive right to conduct searches of premises under the guise of fighting against the threats to national security.