Top 5 terms in Russian media for the week ( August 28- September 3, 2023)
07/09/2023, 11:00
The military-political bloc NATO has been mentioned the most in Russian media for the last week. The second most frequently mentioned term was the Ukrainian counteroffensive, which the propaganda persistently called a "failure". Russian army made it only to the third place, while defe...
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Top 5 topics in Russian media for the week (Аugust 28 - September 3, 2023)
06/09/2023, 10:30
The top 5 most covered topics in Russian media returned to their usual configuration last week. Traditionally, "SMO" and "war in Ukraine" topped the list. They were followed by "sanctions", "mobilization", and "foreign agents". The aviation disaster of the Prigozhin's plane, which oc...
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Top 5 surnames in the Russian media for a week (August 28 - September 3, 2023)
05/09/2023, 11:00
Russian media's interest in Evgeny Prigozhin has gradually decreased during the reporting period. He has recently been replaced by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, owing the second place in mentionability rating. Traditionally, Vladimir Putin still holds the first position. The fourth and fif...
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Top 5 topics in Russian media for the week (Аugust 21 -27, 2023)
30/08/2023, 11:00
Despite the resonance of the Embraer Legacy 600 crash involving Yevgeny Prigozhin, this event did not surpass the traditional dominant topics in the Russian information space in terms of mentionability. The top three remain unchanged: "special military operation", "war in Ukraine", and "s...
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Top 5 terms in Russian media for the week ( August 21-27, 2023)
29/08/2023, 14:00
The crash of the Embraer Legacy 600 involving Yevgeny Prigozhin propelled the Wagner Group to the top of the list of most mentioned terms in the Russian information field. This leap happened not only due to the tragic demise of the top leadership of the private military company but also due to a...
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Top 5 surnames in the Russian media for a week (August 21-27, 2023)
28/08/2023, 11:00
Yevgeny Prigozhin has returned to the top five most mentioned individuals rating. After weeks of being forgotten, the owner of the Wagner PMC has landed second in the ratings, losing only to Vladimir Putin. The crash of the Embraer Legacy 600 with the Wagner PMC leadership became a hot topic for...
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Top 5 topics in Russian media for the week (Аugust 14 -20, 2023)
24/08/2023, 09:00
The configuration of the top five most mentioned topics in Russian media reflects the main trends that have emerged in August. Despite military topics such as "SMO", "war in Ukraine", "sanctions" and "mobilization" keep dominating, the discourse on "price growth" has firmly enter...
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Top 5 surnames in the Russian media for a week (August 14-20, 2023)
22/08/2023, 12:00
The critical change in rating the individuals' activity in Russian media for the reporting week was the rise of the Mayor of Moscow, Sergey Sobyanin, to the third position . Consequently, US President Joe Biden moved to the fourth place. The rating leaders remain the same: Vladimir Putin...
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Top 5 terms in Russian media for the week ( August 7-13, 2023)
17/08/2023, 12:50
The overall decrease in information activity impacts the indicators of the most mentioned terms in the Russian media, but it has little effect on the ranking configurations. The first four positions in the top 5 , compared to the previous reporting period remained unchanged: Ukrainian counteroffen...
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Top 5 topics in Russian media for the week (Аugust 7 -13, 2023)
16/08/2023, 12:30
Military topics continue to dominate the Russian information discourse. "SMO" and the war in Ukraine traditionally occupy the first and second places in the hierarchy of Russian media topics, while sanctions take the third place. It is worth noting the rise of price growth topics, wh...
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Top 5 surnames in the Russian media for a week (August 7-13, 2023)
14/08/2023, 13:30
The top five most mentioned individuals in the Russian media have mostly stayed the same compared to the last week. Predictably, Vladimir Putin is in first place, followed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in second. Joe Biden and Sergey Sobyanin took third and fourth place, ...
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Top 5 terms in Russian media for the week ( July 31 - August 6, 2023)
10/08/2023, 10:00
Ukrainian counteroffensive has pushed NATO out of the first place in the ranking of the most mentioned terms in Russian media. The Russian army and defence took third and fourth positions, respectively. The "Wagner" PMC returned to the top 5.
The information space was analysed ...
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Top 5 topics in Russian media for the week (July 31 - Аugust 6, 2023)
08/08/2023, 13:00
"SMO" and "war in Ukraine" remain to be integral topics in Russian information space. "Sanctions" and "mobilization" took the second and third places in the top 5 rating last week. The fifth place is occupied by "foreign agents" due to the decision of the Moscow City Court, which sentenced Alexei Na...
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Top 5 surnames in the Russian media for a week (July 31 - August 6, 2023)
07/08/2023, 13:00
The top five mentions of socially significant figures in Russian media returned to their initial state during the reporting period. The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, is naturally taking his first place. His Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, occupies the second...
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Top 5 topics in Russian media for the week (July 24 - 30, 2023)
03/08/2023, 09:00
The "Russia-Africa" summit became the main event of the week for Russian media. This allowed it to burst into the top five ranking of topics and immediately take third place. Only such discourse-forming topics as "SМO" and "war in Ukraine" were ahead. Accordingly, the fourth and fifth places were ta...
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Top 5 terms in Russian media for the week ( July 24-30, 2023)
02/08/2023, 13:00
NATO remains to be the most mentioned term in the Russian media. The Ukrainian counteroffensive approached it by the end of the week. Defence and the Russian army take third and fourth places, however with a significant gap behind the rating leaders. The grain deal completes the ...
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Top 5 surnames in the Russian media for a week (July 24-30, 2023)
31/07/2023, 12:30
The gap between the perennial favourites mentioned in Russian media became bigger. Vladimir Putin has strengthened his position compared to other ranking participants. This was facilitated by his active positioning within the framework of the "Russia-Africa" summit. The Ukrainian President, V...
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Top 5 topics in Russian media for the week (July 17 - 23, 2023)
27/07/2023, 11:00
"SMO" and "war in Ukraine" remain the leading narratives of the Russian information space. They are habitually followed by "sanctions" and "mobilisation". Last week's surprise was the entry of the socio-economic category "price rise" into the top 5 of the rating. However, there is a pretty rational ...
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Top 5 terms in Russian media for the week ( July 17-23, 2023)
25/07/2023, 14:00
Russia’s exit from the grain deal has sharply elevated this phrase to the top of the most mentioned terms in the Russian information space. The grain deal, which was previously on the periphery of the rating, took second place at the end of the week. First place has traditionally been taken by NATO....
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Top 5 surnames in the Russian media for a week (July 17-23, 2023)
24/07/2023, 14:00
After almost a month following the tumultuous upheavals, the top five most mentioned socially significant figures have returned to their usual positions. Vladimir Putin has traditionally taken the first place, followed by his antagonist Vladimir Zelensky in the second. US President Joe Bid...
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Top 5 topics in Russian media for the week (July 10 - 16, 2023)
21/07/2023, 08:00
The topics of "special military operation" and "war in Ukraine" (as a more truthful designation of large-scale military actions) have regained a full dominance in the Russian media discourse. ‘Sanctions’, also related to these topics, have taken the third position in the rating. The Prib...
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Top 5 surnames in the Russian media for a week (July 10-16, 2023)
19/07/2023, 07:30
The interest of Russian media in Yevgeny Prigozhin continues to fade. At the end of the week, he moved from the third to the fourth position in the ranking of the most mentioned socially significant figures in the Russian information space. Vladimir Putin maintains first place, followed by ...*
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Top 5 terms in Russian media for the week ( July 10-16, 2023)
17/07/2023, 12:00
Russian media has paid an extreme attention to North Atlantic Alliance, thanks to the recent NATO summit in Vilnius. NATO has not only retained its first place in the ranking of most used terms in the Russian information space but also pulled ahead of its nearest pursuer (the counteroffensive...*
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Top 5 terms in Russian media for the week (July 2-9, 2023)
13/07/2023, 06:00
The interest of Russian media in the North Atlantic Alliance has intensified due to the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius. NATO has once again taken the top spot in ranking the most used terms in the Russian information space. The ongoing counteroffensive of the Ukrainian army has claimed the ...
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Top 5 surnames in the Russian media for a week (July 3-9, 2023)
12/07/2023, 07:30
As the information frenzy surrounding the attempted armed mutiny subsides, the ranking of the most mentioned politicians in the Russian media gradually retakes its traditional shape. Vladimir Putin remains firmly in the first place, while Vladimir Zelensky has reclaimed the second position. ...
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Top 5 topics in Russian media for the week (July 3 -9, 2023)
10/07/2023, 14:00
The topic of the Prigozhin mutiny is still a focal point of media interest but gradually gives way to traditional rating leaders - "SМO" and "war in Ukraine". Derivatives from the military agenda, sanctions and mobilisation have taken fourth and fifth places in the rating, respec...
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Top 5 terms in Russian media for the week (June 26 - July 2, 2023)
05/07/2023, 13:00
The repercussions of Prigozhin's armed mutiny significantly shaped media trends during the past week, resulting in "Wagner" PMC taking the top spot as the most frequently mentioned term. The traditional leader of the ranking NATO slid to the second position. The Russian army occupied the...
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Top 5 topics in Russian media for the week (June 26 - July 2, 2023)
05/07/2023, 10:00
The top four most discussed topics remained unchanged in Russian media, compared to the last week. The "SMO" (Special Military Operation) firmly retained its first position, followed by the ongoing armed mutiny in the second spot. The topic of the war in Ukraine occupied the third positi...
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Top 5 surnames in the Russian media for a week (June 26- July 2, 2023)
04/07/2023, 10:30
The armed mutiny of mercenaries from the “Wagner” Private Military Company appeared to be on top of the news at the end of last week. It significantly affected the public figure mention ratings in Russian media. Yevgeny Prigozhin, who had been pushed to the periphery of the information space in ...
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Top 5 terms in Russian media for the week (June 19 -25, 2023)
28/06/2023, 15:00
The "Wagner" PMC has jumped to the top of the most mentioned terms in the Russian information space for the first time in the entire observation period. The resonance of the armed uprising was so great that the "Wagner" group has pulled away from NATO, which took second place, by more than ...
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Top 5 topics in Russian media for the week (June 19 - 25, 2023)
27/06/2023, 10:00
The topic of the armed mutiny has exploded in the Russian information space at the end of last week. It significantly exceeded the indicators of other rating leaders, in terms of coverage intensity. Still, since it lasted only a few days, it ultimately took only second place in the top-5 topics ...
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Top 5 surnames in the Russian media for a week (June 19- 25, 2023)
27/06/2023, 08:00
The end of last week’s top news were covering the armed mutiny of mercenaries from the “Wagner” Private Military Company. It significantly affected the public figure mention ratings in Russian media. Yevgeny Prigozhin, who had been pushed to the periphery of the information space in recent weeks...
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Dynamics of Putin's mentions in Russian media
23/06/2023, 09:00
Vladimir Putin has been steadily increasing his presence in the information field over the past five weeks. However, even considering this fact, the surge in his mentions last week looks abnormal. This is primarily related to his involvement in commenting on the progress of the "Special Military Ope...
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Top 5 terms in Russian media for the week (June 12-18, 2023)
21/06/2023, 13:00
The Ukrainian counteroffensive, as in the previous week, continues to be the most mentioned term in Russian media. In second place is the Russian army, firmly pushing NATO to the third position. Notably, after the withdrawal of the Wagner PMC from Bakhmut, the mention of this paramilitary formation ...
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Top 5 surnames in the Russian media for a week (June 12-18, 2023)
19/06/2023, 11:00
The top three in the chart of most mentioned individuals in Russian media remained unchanged compared to the previous week. Vladimir Putin traditionally took the first place, having significantly increased his media presence due to meeting with journalists and attending the St. Petersburg Intern...
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Top 5 terms in Russian media for the week (June 5-11, 2023)
14/06/2023, 11:00
The beginning of the active actions by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in several directions was marked by significant changes in the Russian information space - the counteroffensive burst into the first line of the rating of the most mentioned terms, and the defence rose from the fifth to the third po...
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Top 5 topics in Russian media for the week (June 5-11, 2023)
13/06/2023, 13:00
The traditionally predominant topic of "SMO" in Russian media has been exchanged by the "undermining of the Kakhovka HPP dam" with high coverage intensity. The other topics have not undergone any significant changes - "sanctions" and "war in Ukraine" (as a more accurate name for what...
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Top 5 surnames in the Russian media for a week (June 5-11, 2023)
13/06/2023, 10:00
Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelensky invariably remain in the focus of coverage by Russian media. The third place taken by Sergey Sobyanin is due to the unanimous decision of the secretaries of the primary organizations of United Russia to nominate him as a candidate for the mayor of Mo...
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Top 5 terms in the Russian media for the week (May, 2023)
09/06/2023, 12:00
State propaganda deliberately shapes the Russian audience's perception of the "special military operation" as a geopolitical conflict between Russia and the Western world. In this regard, it is logical that the NATO military-political bloc gets the first place in ranking of most mentioned terms....
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Top 5 topics in Russian media for the week (May, 2023)
08/06/2023, 12:00
The Russian information space in May, same as in previous periods, was dominated by topics related to Russia's large-scale war against Ukraine.
Russian media maintains the Kremlin's line and calls the hostilities a "special military operation". This definition continues to lead the list ..._
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ТOP-5 surnames in Russian media for a week (May 2023).
06/06/2023, 11:00
The undisputed favorite is Vladimir Putin, who is usually mentioned in connection with positive events or official functions.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky consistently holds the second place, with messages related to him typically having a negative connotation.
Third place is tak...
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Top 5 topics in Russian media for the week (May 22-28, 2023)
31/05/2023, 10:00
If the main three topics in the rating of mentions remained unchanged comparing to the previous reporting period (with "SMO", "sanctions", and "war in Ukraine" remaining dominant), then the fourth and fifth positions experienced significant changes. The topic of "foreign agents" drop...
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ТOP-5 surnames in Russian media for a week (May 22-28, 2023).
30/05/2023, 11:00
Last week's top 5 most mentioned politicians underwent minor changes comparing to the previous reporting period. Instead of Prigozhin, celebrating his "Bakhmut benefit," Alexander Lukashenko took the fourth place in the ranking. There were several reasons for this: firstly, the media focuse...
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Top 5 terms in the Russian media for the week (May 15 - 21, 2023)
25/05/2023, 09:30
NATO organization, which is deeply hated by propaganda, took the first place in the rating of most mentioned terms in the Russian information space. The "taking" Bakhmut pomp returned the Wagner PMC to the second position. The Russian army, which played a supporting role in the "Bakhmut ...
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Top 5 topics in Russian media for the week (May 15-21, 2023)
24/05/2023, 07:00
Russian information space, through the long-term observations, shows the undeniable domination of the "SMO" topic. All other top topics are somehow related to the war against Ukraine. Some minor local changes have happened in the reporting period, comparing to the last week, - the topic of fight...
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ТOP-5 surnames in Russian media for a week (May 15-22, 2023).
22/05/2023, 13:30
The top three most mentioned names in Russia comparing to the last week remain unchanged. Vladimir Putin, Volodymyr Zelensky, and Joe Biden continue to be in focus of attention of Russian media. Evgeny Prigozhin's advance to the fourth place is a result of the "capture" of Bakhmut, ...
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Top 5 terms in the Russian media for the week (May 8 - 14, 2023)
18/05/2023, 12:00
In ranking the most mentioned terms, "offensive" continues to lead, as it did last week. At the same time, the frequency of mentions of the "Russian army" has overtaken the "Wagner" PMC. As of a week ago, the third place is occupied by "NATO", with which Russian propaganda virtually ...
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Top 5 topics in Russian media for the week (May 8-14, 2023)
17/05/2023, 09:00
The topics related to invasion of Ukraine continue to dominate in Russian informational space. The "special military operation" traditionally stays on the top of mentions. They are followed by "sanctions" and "war in Ukraine" (a more candid name for what is happening on the front). Inter...
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ТOP-5 surnames in Russian media for a week (May 8-14, 2023).
16/05/2023, 08:00
Russian information space is characterised specifically in its extreme attention to foreign policy. The presence of Volodymyr Zelensky and Joe Biden in the top five most mentioned persons is explained by attempts of state propaganda to present the "SMO" as a confrontation not only with Ukrai...
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Top 5 terms in the Russian media for the week (May 1 - 7, 2023)
12/05/2023, 11:30
In an alternative reality portrayed by Kremlin propaganda, the Russian army continues to advance. The mention of the Private Military Company "Wagner" is associated with its attributed status as the avant-garde and with the resonant accusations of Prigozhin against the Russian generals. It...
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Top 5 topics in Russian media for the week (May 1-7, 2023)
10/05/2023, 12:30
The war continues to define the information discourse in Russian media. However, alongside the officially used term "special military operation" for Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the word "war" is increasingly mentioned directly. The derivative topics of "sanctions" and "mobilization"*...
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ТOP-5 surnames in Russian media for a week (May 1-7, 2023).
10/05/2023, 12:00
The unconditional leadership of Vladimir Putin and increased attention to Volodymyr Zelensky are stable characteristics of the Russian media field. In that case, the phenomenon of Yevgeny Prigozhin is associated with a series of sensational actions committed by him last week. Prigozhi...
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Top 5 surnames in the Russian media for a week (December 12-18, 2022)
19/12/2022, 08:15
The first two places in terms of mentions in rosZMI always go to the Russian and Ukrainian presidents. Volodymyr Zelenskyi ranks second in terms of representation in Russian news, and Vladimir Putin remains an extremum in the Russian media space.
Oleksandr Lukashenko took third place last wee...
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Top 5 surnames in the Russian media for a week (December 5-11, 2022)
12/12/2022, 10:00
Volodymyr Zelenskyy is firmly in second place in terms of mentions in Russian news. Last week was no exception. As well as the fact that in terms of the frequency (more than a million) of mentions, Vladimir Putin remains an extremum in the Russian media space.
A distinctive feature of the pas...
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Top 5 terms in the Russian media for the week (December 5 - 11, 2022)
12/12/2022, 08:47
"NATO" remains the most mentioned term in mass media. It was mentioned at least one and a half times more often than other terms. As before, it is second only to "special military operation" in terms of frequency of use, if the designation is also considered as a term and not a topic of the week...
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Top 5 topics in Russian media for the week (December 5-11, 2022)
12/12/2022, 06:57
The special military operation is the main topic of news reports in the Russian media. Moreover, compared with the previous week, the intensity of discussion of this topic has increased by almost one and a half times. At the same time, the Russian media continue to cover the hostilities against ...
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Top 5 surnames in the Russian media for a week (November 28 - December 4, 2022)
05/12/2022, 10:33
Volodymyr Zelensky, as before, ranks second in the frequency of mentions in the Russian media for the past week, ahead of domestic Russian politicians by this indicator by two or more times.
Vladimir Putin is traditionally in the first place in terms of the frequency of mentions: his name a...
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Top 5 terms in the Russian media for the week (November 28 - December 4, 2022)
05/12/2022, 08:27
"NATO" was the most mentioned term in the Russian media last week. As before, it sounded at least three times more often than other terms in the media and is second only to "special military operation" in terms of frequency of use, if we also consider this designation as a term and not a topic o...
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Top 5 topics in Russian media for the week (November 28 - December 4, 2022)
05/12/2022, 07:28
The special military operation remains the meta-theme of the entire domestic Russian discourse. All the other most mentioned events are connected with it in one way or another and are mentioned dozens of times less frequently. As the theme of mobilization, which ranks second in terms of frequenc...
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The trend of the week: media personalities vs military (November 21-27, 2022)
29/11/2022, 08:19
The military is losing the battle for the attention of Russian society to media personalities.
Russian politicians, who make loud statements about the war with Ukraine, received much more attention in the media last week than those who actually lead the hostilities.
The owner of PMC "Wagner" h...
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Top 5 terms in the Russian media for the week (November 21-27, 2022)
28/11/2022, 09:45
The term "NATO" sounded much more often than other terms in the Russian media during the past week. By this criteria,it is inferior only to the abbreviation "SVO", considering the latter to be a term.
NATO was mentioned in the last seven days almost twice as much as the organization that is d...
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Top 5 topics in the Russian media for the week (November 21-27, 2022)
28/11/2022, 09:05
The theme of the special military operation remains the absolute leader in the Russian information space. At the same time, the second topic in terms of the number of messages is closely related to the "SVO" - partial mobilization.
The Russian media continue to call the military operations agai...
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Top 5 surnames in the Russian media for the week (November 21-27, 2022)
28/11/2022, 07:28
Volodymyr Zelenskyy ranks second in frequency mentions of politicians in the Russian media over the past week. The Ukrainian President was mentioned in news reports at least three times more often than Russian politicians inside of the country.
In terms of popularity in the media, Zelenskyy is ...
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