Top 5 surnames in the Russian media for a week (July 31 - August 6, 2023)
07/08/2023, 13:00
The top five mentions of socially significant figures in Russian media returned to their initial state during the reporting period. The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, is naturally taking his first place. His Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, occupies the second position in the ranking. The third position is taken by the President of the United States and the main geopolitical opponent of the Kremlin, Joe Biden. An active mayoral election campaign secured Sergei Sobyanin fourth place in the ranking. The chief spokesperson and interpreter of messages from the Russian ruling elite, Dmitry Peskov, is rounding off the top five.
The information space was analysed using a refined methodology based on monitoring 3200 Russian websites, telegram channels, YouTube channels, and significant accounts on VKontakte, Instagram and Facebook.