IKAR presented the study "Russian public attitudes towards war: Why the problem of the Russian Federation is not limited to Putin's regime?"
18/07/2023, 09:00
On July 14, 2023, was held a presentation of a study by the Institute of Conflictology and Analysis of Russia (IKAR) entitled "Russian public attitudes towards war: Why the problem of the Russian Federation is not limited to Putin's regime?".
This event was specially organized for Ukrainian diplomats and foreign ambassadors and took place at the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine (DAU).
Following the opening speech by Ambassador Hennadii Nadolenko, the Director of DAU, Dr. Alexander Shulga, the head of IKAR and a Doctor of Sociological Sciences, presented the findings of a six-month sociological study on Russian society. The report unveiled data on the prevailing moods and general state of consciousness within Russian society, as well as the attitudes of Russians towards Russia's war against Ukraine and their perspectives on the models of relations with neighboring countries.
Dr. Shulga emphasized that the initial wave of the all-Russian sociological survey conducted in December 2022 has provided striking examples of Russian society grappling with "split consciousness," "ambivalent consciousness," or even "schizophrenic consciousness." Irrespective of the terminology used, these concepts convey the same idea: the simultaneous acceptance of multiple contradictory beliefs, facts, and explanations by a significant portion of Russian society.
In addition, during a distinct presentation, Armenak Ohanesian, the Head of Legal Studies at IKAR, delved into the concept of lawfare, which forms the basis of the Institute's focus on legal studies. The event participants were introduced to the methodology and recent research outcomes, including mechanisms for overcoming state judicial immunity and approaches to compensating losses incurred by Ukrainian citizens and businesses due to illegal aggression. Ohanesian outlined the primary focus areas of IKAR's ongoing legal research, particularly emphasizing the search for Russian Federation assets and their potential utilization in Ukraine's post-war reconstruction efforts.