Through sanctions, the Russian government encourages counterfeiting

Russia's Ministry of Industry and Trade has expanded the list of goods allowed for parallel imports, including IKEA products that have left Russia, as well as home Zanussi appliances,Hasbro and Mattel (USA) toys, clothing brands, cosmetics, perfumes and other types of products. Among them are Lancome, Giorgio Armani and Yves Saint Laurent.

Import of products marked with trademarks which are not included in the Ministry of Industry and Trade list, is subject to standard customs control, and importers, as before, must receive permission from rights holders. Taking into account the sanctions and withdrawal of most famous brands from Russia, right holders are trying to avoid the Russian market.

Legalization of parallel importation carries state support for the importation of counterfeit products to a new level. Import of such goods without permission from the right holder is not considered as a violation of the exclusive rights. Under the guise of parallel import, counterfeit and grey products are sneaking into the Russian market. It is clear that departure of world brands from the Russian market, calls for some level of tension inside the country, and the state implements extreme measures in order to fill the internal market.

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