Russia has lost almost a third of its arms exports over the past five years

Arms exports from Russia have declined by nearly a third (31%) between 2018-2022, and the country's share in the global arms market has fallen from 22% to 16%, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) report.

In 2018-2022, Russia supplied arms to 47 countries. Out of this, 65% went to Asia and Oceania, 17% - to states of the Middle East, and another 12% - to African countries. India was the largest buyer of Russian weapons, but over the past five years, supplies to this country have dropped by 37%. The export to another seven countries, considered to be as traditional buyers of Russian armament, has decreased on average by 59%. At the same time, Russia increased its exports to China and Egypt – by 39 and 44%, respectively.

A decrease in Russian arms exports will accelerate shortly. At least three factors will contribute to this. Firstly, sanctions against Russia are imposed in connection with its military aggression against Ukraine by leading world states. Secondly, real shortcomings of Russian weapons are revealed during combat operations. And thirdly, a deficit of new weapons in the Armed Forces of the RF themselves.

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